With growing awareness regarding environmental issues, it's hard to ignore the amount of waste which is produced at festivals each year. There are an ever-growing number of products out there that allow us all to be more environmentally friendly wherever we are but especially at Festivals.

See below 6 of the best new ideas for going plastic free whilst still having fun AND looking after all the wonderful spaces we will inhabit over the course of this summer. 

Eco Glitter Fun biodegradable glitter

Biodegradable glitter - most glitter is made from plastic, and ends up in the ground, and eventually lands in our water supply and the oceans - essentially, it’s a beautiful form of microplastic. However, there are many biodegradable glitter brands popping up, such as Eco Glitter Fun, who have an array of colours, blends and bases at an affordable price so you can sparkle all summer long without the impact on the oceans!

Makeup remover cloth - these are great, and all you have to do is add water!  They are super soft and gentle for the whole face.  Simply chuck in the washing machine after a long weekend camping at your favourite festival! They can be found on Amazon

eau_good_ reusable water bottle activated charcoal

A reusable water bottle - carry a reusable water bottle - not only is it cheaper to fill up, but no environmental impact of throwing away endless plastic bottles. We all have to stay hydrated, especially at festivals. Try black + blum Eau Good- they have a piece of activated charcoal inside so it even purifies. Win!

Wooden sunglasses - cheap, plastic sunglasses break easily and end up in landfills and don’t decompose. Wooden sunglasses are an environmentally friendly alternative. FreshforPandas sunglasses are made from organic materials such as wood and bamboo, and come in a variety of shapes and colours.


Biodegradable cups - invest in some biodegradable cups. That way, even if you lose a couple, at least they’re going back to the earth! Try Cupful of Colour, made of entirely plant-based materials. 

Upcycled rain ware - keeping dry at UK festivals is an essential. Instead of purchasing a cheap £1 rain mac when it begins to pour, why not invest in an upcycled rain garment. Insane in the Rain makes their rain jackets out of 100% recycled plastic, and the patterns on the jackets are festival funky too.